Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Special CL


         Special casual leave not counting against ordinary casual leave may be granted to a Government servant in the following circumstances. The abstract of Special casual leave rules are shown in below AP Special Casual leave Rules process teachers and govt employees for family planning operations male vasectomy, female tubectomy, salpingectomy, sports and blood donation, womens day special casual leave and small pox, plague, cholera, typhoid, acute influenza pneumonia, diphtheria, cerebra-spinal meningitis, measles deceases AP Secretariat Cultural Association Members for enacting dramas in mofussil areas.
SI. No.
Amount of Leave
Summons to give witness in a court in which his private interest is not in issue
As per the attendance Certificate
For Family Planning operations

A) Male-Vasectomy
6 working Days (G.O.Ms. No.257 F&P dt:05-01-81)
B) Female- Tubectomy
14 Days (G.O.Ms.No.124 F&P dt:13-4-82)
C) Male – For Tubectomy of wife
7 Days
D) Female - Insertion of Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices
1 Day on the day of insertion & reinsertion (G.O.Ms.No.128 F&P DT:13-4-82)
E) Recanalisation (Both male & female employees)
i) 21 Days or Actual period of hospitalization whichever is less Plus Actual journey (to & from period)

ii) Admissible to the employees who have less than two Children or who has lost all Male or Female Children after Family Planning operation
Salpingectomy operation

A) Female - Salpingectomy operation after medical Termination of Pregnancy
14 days(G.O. Ms. No,275 F&P (FW FRI), Dept.dt.15-05-81)

B) Male - Salpingectomy operation for Wife
7 Days
Post Operative Complications

A) Vasectomy
Extended up to 7 days
B) Tubectomy
Extended upto 14 days on production of Medical Certificate
Spl.Casual Leave (SCL) can be availed for the 2nd time for the same period on production of MC mentioning the failure of previous operation (in case of Vasectomy & Tubectomy)
SCL may be prefixed or suffixed to Regular Leave or CL and not both.
Special Provisions

1) For Donation of Blood
1 day of Special Casual leave ( SCL ) on the day of donation on production of M.C.
( Medical Certificate) (G.O.Ms.No.137, M&H (EL) Dept.,Dt.23.02.1984)
2) Women Govt. employees for being celebrated International Women's day on March 8th
1 day SCL (Special Casual leave) on that Day. Copy of the GO is download
(G.O. Ms. No.433 GAD(SW-II)Dept.dt.04-08-10)
3) On account of presence of following infectious diseases in an employee’s house
i) Not exceeding 21 days of SCL on production of certificate from Medical Officer
ii) extended up to 30 days ( Exe. Inst. 7 (a)(i) (ii) and Note (1) to (5)) Rescinded Vide G.O.Ms.No.10 F&P(FR I), Dt.24.01.1992.
 - small pox, plague, cholera, typhoid, acute influenza pneumonia, diphtheria, cerebra-spinal meningitis, measles

i) For participating in Sporting events of National or International Importance
i) Not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year. As per (G.O.Ms.No.295 Fin FR-I Dept.dt.14-09-1964).
ii) If exceeded 30 days – excess period treated as regular leave. Permitted to combine with Regular Leave but not with CL ( Casual leave )
iii) The concession shall not be allowed for the Participants on his personal capacity
iv) It is extended to Managers of Teams,Coaches and referees (Go Ms.No.358 F&P (FWFR-I) Dept. dt.26-12-84).
v) SCL not exceeding 15 days may be availed for President /Secy. of National Sports Bodies recognized by all India Council of Sports (G.O.Ms. No.270 F& PFWFR-I Dept.,Dt.30-06-1976)

ii) Participating in trekking expeditions approved by India Mountaineering Foundation
SCL not exceeding 30 days in a calendar
year may be sanctioned

iii) Disabled Ex service men reemployed as Civilian in State Govt. services for appearing before Medical resurvey board for the reassessment of disability and to go to hospital for treatment
15 days of SCL ( Special Casual Leave ) as per
(G.O.Ms. No.407 F&P FW FR-I Dept.dt.18-09-76)

1) For the recruitment in Territorial army or Auxiliary Air force
A) For participation in ceremonial Parades
One month or less
2) For Registering the name under Reserve and Auxiliary Air-force Act-1952
A) Attending for an interview, medical examination followed by training
One month or Less
B) For participation in ceremonial Parades as a member of Air Defense Reserve
One month or less

i) AP Secretariat Cultural Association Members for enacting dramas in mofussil areas
6 days SCL in a calendar Year
ii) Principal Office bearers of Recognized service Associations (Represented on A.P. Civil Services Joint Staff Council) and 2 Office Bearers from each of the units in Districts and City
i) 21 days SCL in a calendar year
(G.O.Ms. No.205, Fin, Dt.08-06-1980)

ii) It will not be sanctioned in addition to any SCL allowed under Sports Cultural Activities etc.

iii)The competent authority will have the discretion to withhold the Grant of SCL in exigencies of Govt. work.
 (G.O. Ms.No.390 Fin, Dt.26-11-64)
iii) Employees of vacation Dept. (Education, Judiciary etc.)
7 days of SCL in a calendar year Total SCL sanctioned shall not exceed 30 days if they participate in the Sports event. Competent authority shall have the discretion to withhold (G.O.Ms. No.47 Fin,dt.12-02-65)

iv) To participate in Rallies, Camps etc. Organized by A.P. Bharat Scouts and Guides at State/National Level
10 days of SCL in a calendar year
(G.O.MsNo. 112 Fin,dt.22-07-69)

v) Govt. Servant participating in the cultural events in the National and International importance when he is selected
30 days of SCL in a calendar year.
( G.O.Ms.No.360, F&P, Dt.24.12.1980)
Members of Institution of Engineers

i) For attending annual Meeting at Hyd
7 days of SCL in a calendar year
ii) For attending annual convention to any part of the country
10 days of SCL in a calendar year
(G.O.Ms No. 44 F&P FR-I,dt.05-02-06)

7(a) Special casual leave not counting against ordinary casual leave may be granted to a Government servant in the following circumstances: -
(i) And (ii) and Notes from 1 to 5 under (ii) are cancelled vide G.O.Ms.No. 10 Finance and Planning (F.W.FR-1) Department, Dated. 24-01-1992.

(iii) When he is summoned to serve as a juror or assessor or to give evidence before a court in the Indian Union or Foreign Territory as a witness in civil and criminal cases in which his private interests are not in issue, the leave to cover the total period of absence necessary.

(iv). When with the permission of the Director of Medical Services Director of Public Health, and Medical Office/Assistant Director of Public health, Health Officer of public Health Department is absent from his Head quarter, on business connected with Universities, the leave to cover the total period of absence in necessary.

(1). In the case of Medical Officers/Assistants Directors of Public Health, Health Officers of the Public Health Department serving on their own accord as examiners in the universities of other states, the period of their absence from duty should be treated as regular leave and not as special casuals leave. This does not apply to Medical Officer, Assistant Director of Public Health, Health Officers of the Public Health Department who at the special request of the Government of India or State Governments, are deputed by the Government to undertake work on behalf of Universities outside the state.
(G.O.Ms.No. 233, Fin Department Dated. 17-11-1966)

(2). The period during which Medical Officers/Assistant Directors of Public Health, Health officers of the Public health department are absent, with the permission of the Director of Medical and Health Services, from their Headquarters in order to attend the meeting of the Andhra Pradesh Medical Council should be treated as Special Casual Leave.
(G.O.Ms.No. 212, Fin, dated. 22-07-1969)

(v) Male Government employees, who undergo vasectomy operation under the family welfare programme, will be eligible for special casual leave not exceeding 6 working days. If any employee undergoes vasectomy operation for the second time on account of the failure of the first operation, he will be eligible for a further special casual leave not exceeding 6 days on production of a certificate from the medical authority concerned to the effect that the second operation was performed due to the failure of the first operation.
(G.O.Ms.No. 257, Fin & Plg Dated. 05-01-1981)

Note: The grant of special casual leave shall be made applicable to construction subordinate service, operation subordinate service, work charged establishment in the Nagarjuna sagar Project Organization and all other work charged establishments of others projects.
(G.O.Ms.No. 272, Fin & Plg Dated. 11-10-1974)

(vi) (a). Female Government employees, who undergo Tubectomy operation, whether puerperal or non-puerperal, will be eligible for special casual leave not exceeding fourteen days.

(b). Female Government employees, who undergo tubectomy operation for the second time on account of failure of the first operation shall be eligible for special casual leave not exceeding fourteen days again on production of a medical certificate from the medical officer concerned to the effect that the second operation was performed due to the failure of first operation.
(G.O.Ms.No. 124, Fin. & Plg., dated. 13th April 1982).

(vii). Female Government Employees who undergo salpingectomy operation after Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) will be eligible for special casual leave not exceeding 14 days.
(G.O.Ms.No. 257, Fin, dated. 05-01-1981)

(ix). Male Government employees, whose wives undergo either puerperal or non puerperal tubectomy operation for the first time or for the second time due to failure of the first operation (under the family welfare programme) will be eligible for special casual leave for 7 days, subject to the production of a Medical Certificate stating that their wives have undergone tubectomy operation for the second time due to failure of the first operation. It shall not be necessary to state in the certificate that the presence of the Government employee is required to look after the wife during her convalescence.

(x).Male Government employees whose wives undergo tubectomy salpingectomy peration after Medial Termination of Pregnancy (M.T.P) will be eligible for special casual leave upto 7 days subject to the production or Medical certificate stating that their wives have undergone tubectomy/salpingectomy operation after medical termination of pregnancy. It shall not be necessary to state in the certificate that the presence of the Government employee is required to look after the wife during her convalescence.

(xi).Government employees who require special casual leave beyond the limits laid down for undergoing sterilization operation owing to the development of post operative complications will be eligible for special casual leave to cover the period for which he/she is hospitalized on account of post operational complications, subject to the production of certificate from the concerned hospital authorities/ an authorize medical attendant. In addition, the benefit of additional special casual leave may also be extended to the extent of 7 days in the case of vasectomy operation and 14 days in the case of tubectomy operation to such Government servants who after sterilization do not remain hospitalized, but at the same time are not found fit to go to work, subject to the production of a medical certificate from the appropriate authority in the concerned hospital/an authorized medical attendant.

(xii). Government employees who undergo operation for recanalisation will be eligible for special casual leave upto a period of 21 days or the actual period of hospitalization as certified by the authorized medical attendant whichever is less. In addition, special casual leave can also be granted for the actual period of the to and fro journey performed for undergoing this operation.

The grant of special casual leave for recanalisation operation without any commitment to the reimbursement of medical expenses is subject to the following condition: -

1. The operation should have been performed in hospital/medical college/institute where facilities for recanalisation are available. If the operation is performed in a private hospital it should be one nominated by the State Government for performing recanalisation operation.

2. The request for grant of special casual leave is supported by a medical certificate from the doctor who performed the operation, to the effect that hospitalization of the Government servant for the period stipulated therein were essential for operation and post operation recovery.

3. The concession indicated above is admissible to Government employee who:-
 (a)  Are unmarried or
      (b)  Have less the two children, or
    (c) Desire recanalisation for substantial reasons, e.g. a person has lost all lost all male children or all female children after vasectomy/Tubectomy operation performed earlier.

(xiii) Special casual leave connected with sterilization, recanalisation under family welfare programme may be suffixed as well as prefixed to regular leave or casual leave. However, special casual leave should not be allowed to be prefixed both to regular leave and casual leave.

1.   Special casual leave should either be prefixed to regular leave or to casual leave and not both. Similarly, special casual leave may be suffixed wither to regular leave or casual leave and not both. The intervening holidays and/or Sundays may be prefixed or suffixed to regular leave, as the case may be.

2.   In the cases coming under clauses (iii) and (iv) above, when the absence from duty exceeds the period which may reasonably be treated as casual leave under the discretion vested in the head of the office, the Government servant may be granted for the entire period of absence such regular leave with leave salary as may be due to him and thereafter extra-ordinary leave.

8. (1). Special casual leave will be allowed to a Government servant participating in sporting events for a period not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year. The period of absence in excess of 30 days shall be treated as regular leave of the kind admissible under the relevant rules applicable to the persons concerned. For this purpose, Government servant may, as special case, be permitted to combine special casual leave with regular leave but not with regular casual leave.

The purpose for which and the conditions under which special casual leave may be granted are indicated below.

The special casual leave will be allowed only: -

a)  For participating in sporting events of   National or International importance; and
b) When the Government servant concerned is selected for such participation.
c) In respect of International sporting events by any one of the following organizations as a member of a team which is accepted as representative on behalf of India.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Retirement Benefits

Retirement Benefits
Retirement benefits
Family Benefits to the Legal Heirs
Encashment of E.L/EHPL
Encashment  of E.L/EHPL
Refund of FBF Balance
Refund of FBF Balance
Refund of saving Fund under GIS
Refund of saving Fund under GIS
Payment of GPF
Payment of insurance Fund under GIS
Payment of APGLI  amount
Payment of GPF
Service pension
Payment of Booster amount under GPF
Payment of APGLI amount
Commutation of pension
Gratutity (i.e. DCRG)
TA on retirement to native place
Family pension
(Actual fares to self and family & Not exceeding  3 mileage towards years Personal effects)

i)  Enhanced family pension upto 7 years

ii) Thereafter normal family pension to till death
TA on death to native place actual fares
Compassionate Appointment/Exgratia